S. Walt Simpson

Walt Simpson Realty LLC
Agent License # RB002076
Speaks English
18 Years of Experience
31 Transactions in Last 12 Months
$150K - $1.8M Price Range

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More About S. Walt Simpson

Specialties: Fine/Luxury Homes, Waterfront Homes, Commercial, International Clients
Certifications & Awards: Military Certified
In 2019 Walt left a top producing national real estate brokerage to open a boutique brokerage. Walt Simpson is renowned by clients for loyalty, professionalism and knowledge of this dynamic and unique real estate market. Walt Simpson Realty offers competitive commission rates for sellers and tailored services for buyers. Walt graduated with a degree in Business Administration. He received his Real Estate license in 2006. His goals as a Real Estate professional are to maintain open, honest communication and to use his knowledge of the local market for his clients’ benefit. The son of a custom home builder, Walt grew up in the family business learning everything he could about the housing market in Delaware. Selling? Call Walt today!

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